Frequently Asked Questions:

How much and how often should I take AloeCure?

You should take a minimum 2 ounces of AloeCure twice a day. You may drink more than 2 ounces if you feel that your body responds better to larger servings. Because AloeCure is a natural juice, you cannot drink too much of it.

When should I take AloeCure?

We recommend that you take AloeCure in the morning when you start your day and at night before going to sleep. Also, take AloeCure as soon as you feel an imbalance in stomach acidity.

How fast can I expect to feel the difference?

You will feel a soothing effect immediately after drinking AloeCure. You will also experience relief from AloeCure's acid buffering qualities as soon as it settles in your stomach. However, because AloeCure is not a drug, which dramatically and quickly alters your body chemistry, it may take several days for you to feel the long-term acid balancing and normalization of your digestive system.

Can I take more than the recommended dose to obtain more benefits?

Absolutely! You cannot overdose on AloeCure! Depending on the food that you eat, your lifestyle, your body mass and the history of your stomach acidity, you may need to drink more than 2 ounces to obtain maximum results.

For how long do I need to take AloeCure?

It is very easy to make AloeCure a part of your lifestyle. AloeCure is organic and natural and has no known side effects. So, you can take AloeCure indefinitely while obtaining increasing benefits for your digestive system.

How safe is AloeCure?

AloeCure has no known side effects. Aloe Vera has been used for thousands of years as a natural healing agent. In fact, a majority of consumers have experienced aloe's benefits in numerous skincare products.

If I am pregnant can I take AloeCure?

As with any dietary supplement, if you are pregnant you need to consult your physician or naturopath before starting the AloeCure program. When you do, please be sure to point out that AloeCure does not contain any laxative aloin and that there are no known side effects.

What type of aloe plant is used for AloeCure?

Aloe Vera Barbadensis Miller is the type of aloe plant that is used in AloeCure. It is the most effective species of aloe and is used in almost all consumer products that contain aloe.

Can I add AloeCure to other juices or smoothies?

AloeCure is excellent in smoothies and other juices! It almost disappears in other berry and fruit flavors while still providing all the health benefits. Cranberry is a great combination. The only juice it clashes with is grapefruit juice at least to our taste.

Does AloeCure have any cleansing properties?

AloeCure is not a laxative. As you drink AloeCure and as your digestive system balances and normalizes you may also experience improved regularity.

If I have a cut or burn can I put AloeCure on it?

Yes. Putting AloeCure juice on a cut or a burn is nearly the same as cutting off an aloe leaf and rubbing it on the affected area.

What are some other benefits of AloeCure beyond the digestive system?

As your digestive system improves, you will experience better nutrient absorption, which is key to increasing your energy and overall well-being. Balanced stomach acidity will permit you to sleep better at night and you will feel rested and energized. Furthermore, AloeCure will boost your immune system.

I am taking prescription medications for my stomach acid problems. Can I still take AloeCure?

AloeCure does not have any known side effects or interactions with prescription drugs. But going off of prescription acid blockers can have side effects. We advise that you consult with your doctor before discontinuing use.

I have been taking over-the-counter tablets for years to manage my stomach acid. Can I still take AloeCure?

Absolutely. AloeCure does not have any known side effects or interactions with over-the-counter tablet.